India has emerged one of the fastest country to vaccinate its country citizens. When vaccine was introduced in India, the government acted with great speed and started the vaccination drive.

            In this blog, I will tell you all the latest data related to vaccination in India.

India is ranking #3 in dosage given. India has 29.7 million doses given up till now. The rankings are following: -

1. The USA 106 Million doses given

2.China 52.5 Million doses given

3.India 29.7 Million doses given

India has covered 0.40% of the population, which seems to be less but not as India as such a huge amount of population.

There are two doses of vaccine, to fully get vaccinated you need to get both doses. In terms of fully vaccinated, 5.43 million are fully vaccinated.

Most asked question:- 

1.Who can take the vaccine?


2.What is covid-19?


Open these links for all the information related to the question.

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Thank you.

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Photo by Chokniti Khongchum from Pexels

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